inertial resistance
Some kids went fishing or played cards with their grandpa. When I was twelve, my grandpa stood outside with me on a hot summer day, spinning a string with a button tied to the end, and taught me the difference between centrifugal and tangential force.
At that time, he had already invested years in what became his dream of solving the world's energy problem–a project which he eventually invested over 30,000 hours and nearly every penny he could spare.
Within these links, you'll find all that exists of his work.
A big ask:
fundamental physics : definitions expanded
"Text books do make it perfectly clear that gravitational attraction, mass, and inertia are closely inter-related and perhaps someday, when the precise nature of any one of these three properties of matter is known, we will find that they are, in fact, one and the same." –Floyd Melvin Knight
the relationship
fundamental physics : the relationship between centrifugal force (inertial resistance), rotation and energy to establish and sustain rotation
"It becomes obvious that anyone who believes that centrifugal force or inertial resistance is derived from tangential kinetic energy or rotation sustaining input energy, is simply not informed on this particular subject and has never taken the trouble to check it out mathematically." –Floyd Melvin Knight
Floyd Melvin Knight
November 1, 1914 - September 19, 2002
fundamental physics :
undergirding the inertia engine concept
"Since there is always action and reaction, there is a force, equal and opposite to centripetal force, which is called inertial resistance, which acts away from the center of motion. Inertial resistance is defined as the resistance offered by body inertia to the constant acceleration toward the center, by the restraining agent." –Floyd Melvin Knight
the final design system
Illustration and explanation of the final system design
"My faith in the accuracy of these statistics provides substantiation for my contention that this is a feasible system for producing electric power at zero cost in operating input energy."–Floyd Melvin Knight
the book
the inertial-pneumatic electric power concept
- The Title, the Principle and the Potential
- Why Centrifugal Force Is Actually Inertia
- Generating Significant Inertial-Pneumatic Compression
- Converting Pneumatic Pressure to Rotational Power
- Pneumatic Flow Versus Productivity and Efficiencies
- Defining Power Balance,productivity and Efficiencies
- A Stationary Prototype Configuration Proposal
- System Start-Up, Operational and Shut-Down Modes
- Super productive Stationary Prototype Systems
- The Development of Mobile Prototype Systems
- A Time For Questions, Reflections and Decisions
"May the reader be reminded that if as many as three hundred hours are committed to very careful and comprehensive study and evaluation of this work, it will have been less than one percent of that committed by the author..."
"Beyond publication of this work, which seeks neither fame nor fortune, and in the face of advancing age and very limited resources, the author will offer no further defense of the concept that is the focus of the work. Truth is perfectly capable of defending itself and, if this is not the truth, further comments by the author would be superfluous and of no consequence." –Floyd Melvin Knight